Phone Numbers
Department of Veterans Affairs
- Benefits 1-800-827-1000
- Medical Centers 1-800-827-1000
- Persian Gulf War Helpline 1-800-749-8387
- Locate the closest VMAC or VA Regional Office 1-877-222-8387
- National Coalition for Homeless Veterans 1-800-838-4357 (1-800-VET-HELP)
- Focus on Recovery Helpline (alcohol/drugs) 1-800-374-2800 or 1-800-234-1253
- National Aids Hotline 1-800-342-2437
- National Crisis Hotline 1-800-784-2433
- National Suicide Support Number 1-888-784-2433 (1-888-SUICIDE)
- Department of Health & Human Services Drug & Alcohol Treatment Referral Routing Service 1800-662-4357
- National Alliance for the Mentally Ill 1-800-950-6264
- National Mental Health Association 1-800-969-NMHA
- National Personnel Records Center fax line (to obtain DD214) 1-314-801-9201
Kern County Veteran Service Organizations
- Kern County Veterans Service Department 661-868-8600
- Bakersfield Community Outpatient Clinic 661-632-1800
National Veterans Service Organizations
- The American Legion 1-317-630-1323
- AMVETS 1-877-726-8387
- Blinded Veterans Association 1-800-669-7079
- DAV-Disabled American Veterans 1-859-441-7300
- Military Order of the Purple Heart 1-703-642-5360
- Non Commissioned Officers Association 1-703-549-0311
- Paralyzed Veterans of America 1-800-424-8200
- VFW -Veterans of Foreign Wars 1-816-756-3390
- Vietnam Veterans of America 1-301-585-4000