You made the choice to serve your country but when you came back to civilian life, you just didn’t fit in. Sadly, this is the experience of far too many veterans today; many of them are returning with severe disabilities both physically and emotionally, others are dealing with stress and pain most people cannot relate to, and very few are able to get the help they need.

Slowly our veterans are becoming isolated and falling through our nation’s social fabric.

It’s time to make a change…and you can help!  California Veteran’s Assistance Foundation helps veterans who are or are about to be homeless to find a safe, sanitary environment and the resources they need to productively reintegrate into their communities.

Returning veterans (and even those who have been home for years) are in desperate need of help right now and it takes YOU to make a difference!  With your help, we assist veterans so they can re-establish themselves in our communities with the respect and dignity they have not only earned but deserve.  While the problem is large, the solution is simple – it just requires a little from each of us.

Resource and Referral Center has moved!

Decatur Complex
731 Decatur St, Suite D
Bakersfield, CA 93308
(661) 829-5908












Stand Down Service Provider Registration Form


CVAF is a member of the California Veterans Association of Veteran Service Agencies (CAVSA). To find out more about how these six agencies are serving veterans go to our website at: